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Holiday Events

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67 apartment party results - showing 1 - 5  
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Alex Samoylovich
Written by Alex Samoylovich  On  November 21, 2022   2288   0
15 Unforgettable Holiday Resident Event Ideas to Liven up Your Apartment Community It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and it’s time to liven up your residents’ spirits! There are so many ways to show your residents you appreciate them and create an unforgettable experience to help ring in the holidays and the New Year. If you’re in charge of planning resident events, and are wondering how you could possibly come up with new event ideas that don’t feel stale and overdone, we’ve got you covered with some ideas! Keep reading to check out these 15 holiday-themed resident events that will take your event...
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Resident Events
Written by Resident Events  On  December 16, 2020   1749   0
Need To Pull Off An Event With Virtually No Budget?
We’ve all been there. Budgets are the bane of the property manager’s existence, and it can limit our ability to do resident activities. With the growing uncertainty of COVID-19, budgets are tighter than ever and there’s not always a way to pull off a successful resident event without money to fall back on. Or is there? Here are some very budget friendly ideas for your next event! Patio/Door Decorating Contest Tap into your residents’ creativity and give them something to do when they’re stuck at home during the holidays! All it would cost you is a small prize of some kind. You could offer $25 off their next month’s rent, or even put together a gift basket with items donated from a few local businesses in exchange for advertising. You’d be surprised how many companies will offer product...
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Resident Events
Written by Resident Events  On  November 30, 2020   2182   0
It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like A COVID Christmas
Lost for what to do to celebrate the most wonderful time of year? We all want to make sure our residents are in the best holiday spirits, because when your residents are happy, your property is happy! There’s only so much you can do with COVID looming over you, but here are some options to make it a little easier for you. Make Your Own Ornaments: Most people love to showcase their creative side, and what better way to do that than a customized ornament? You provide the supplies, they provide their imagination! This can be a drive by event, and residents can submit pictures of their finished ornaments for a contest chosen by their fellow residents or your Facebook followers. The prize doesn’t have to be big. Most residents would be happy with a $25 coupon off rent, or a gift card to their favorite...
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Resident Events
Written by Resident Events  On  January 03, 2019   3404   0
New Year Celebration Bonfire Night
Looking to plan a festive event to welcome the New Year? Try a bonfire night with games and campfire food! The goal is to have an evening full of fun and start off the year right making happy memories. We suggest starting the bonfire at dusk and keep it going ‘til 10 PM. The combination of different types of music with an outdoor evening event is magical! You can either ask guests to bring their own instruments – like drums and guitars – or you can curate some music yourself for the event. via GIPHY New Year Games New Year Predictions At the start of the event, arrange for several ice-breaking games! For example, ask your residents to write down some anonymous predictions for the New Year. Have everyone to put their predictions in...
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Resident Events
Written by Resident Events  On  December 27, 2018   4604   0
Snow Bowling
Among the joys of winter are ice and snow sports! The combination of sun and snow is just perfect to enjoy a day outdoors. Select a day with sunshine to have a Snow Bowling tournament along with other fun snow activities with your community residents. While bowling is usually an indoor sport, bowling outside in the snow can be simply spectacular! Break the Ice Locate a large open space with lots of snow. Make a lane (or multiple lanes) through the snow using a shovel. Smooth down your bowling lane using a large wooden board or sleds. Then set up your 10 pins in a 1/2/3/4 triangle. Use real bowling balls and bowling pins for tournament play! ***TIP*** Call bowling alleys for supplies! They often sell or donate used bowling pins for cheap. ...
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