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Holiday Events

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67 apartment party results - showing 56 - 60  
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Bill Szczytko
Written by Bill Szczytko  On  December 03, 2010   3585   1
Visit from Santa
Mark your calendars for December the 18th at 6:00pm when Santa will be visiting our community! This will be a good time for your children to meet him up close and ask him for any last minute gifts. He'll also be giving out candy canes to the little ones (and grown ones). Come on out and see him!
4.0 (1)
Apartment Life
Written by Apartment Life  On  December 02, 2010   3941   1
Holiday Cooking Class
Create an environment where you residents watch food being prepared as well as eat delicious food in a fun relaxed atmosphere.  They can also pick up tips for thier own upcoming holiday parties. 
3.0 (1)
Apartment Life
Written by Apartment Life  On  December 01, 2010   16105   3
This is a fun idea for the month of December. Take 2 weeks or so out of the month and do RAW - Resident Appreciation Week.  But with a fun Holiday Twist!  It is written in which the CARES Teams carry it out but switch up the wording and have fun! The events will be held at the entrance gates, in the Leasing Office and club house.
0.0 (0)
Bill Szczytko
Written by Bill Szczytko  On  December 01, 2010   3579   0
Have your children mail their Dear Santa letters to P.O. Box 555 and just before Christmas we'll be posting them all in a Santa Newsletter you can give to your kids with his response!
5.0 (5)
Apartment Life
Written by Apartment Life  On  December 01, 2010   9710   7
Holiday Gift Wrapping Party
This is a great way to create an environment for residents to get to know one another while also helping them adhere to their Christmas budgets. Go buy wrapping paper, bows, to/from stickers, tape, scissors, and a few other miscellaneous wrapping supplies and set it all up in the clubhouse at your complex. Play Christmas music and serve Christmas cookies and hot chocolate while residents come as they please (open house style) and use free supplies to wrap their gifts. You can also use this time to play simple get to know you games or stimulate conversation by having prepared topics like having residents share their favorite Christmas memories. It would also be fun to have Christmas trivia questions ready to ask aloud for residents to discuss. You could even get kids around the complex (or kids from a kids club) to volunteer to help...
67 apartment party results - showing 56 - 60  
« 1 ... 9 10 11 12 13 14 » 

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