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Holiday Events

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67 apartment party results - showing 61 - 65  
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4.0 (1)
Bill Szczytko
Written by Bill Szczytko  On  December 01, 2010   3949   2
Holiday Movie Night
Take you or your family down to the clubhouse tonight for our Annual Holiday Movie Night. Tonight we'll be showing Christmas Vacation. If you can't make it tonight you can still take part in the festivities by coming to the office and renting (free of charge of course) a Holiday Movie of your choice.
4.0 (1)
Apartment Life
Written by Apartment Life  On  December 01, 2010   4504   4
Wreaths and Refreshments
  Encourage your residents to beautify their doors.  Host a wreath-making event, serving yummy snacks and/or refreshments.
0.0 (0)
Apartment Life
Written by Apartment Life  On  December 01, 2010   5348   0
Rather than having a traditional Christmas party, try adding an old fashioned twist to it. Gather residents around outdoor fire pits near the pool or in the parking lot for Christmas carols, roasting hot dogs, making s'mores, and lots more fun!
0.0 (0)
Written by Jenny  On  December 01, 2010   3629   1
One fun event that you can do during a catered holiday event is organize a holiday gift exchange. All residents who want to participate will buy a gift under $10 (not gender specific)and bring it to the event. After everyone is in attendance, numbers will be passed out to everyone who brought a gift and the person with the #1 will go first. They choose a gift and unwrap it. The person with the #2 can either take that gift from the person or choose a wrapped gift. The person with the #3 can take the gift from person #1 or #2 or choose a wrapped gift, and so on and so forth until you get to the last person who gets to choose out of all the gifts or the last wrapped gift. It's an inexpensive event/game and can be very fun.
0.0 (0)
Apartment Life
Written by Apartment Life  On  December 01, 2010   5228   1
Token gift to a recipient for 12 days, one a day up until Christmas Eve. Can be done for residents or your staff. Budget Range: Low to Medium
67 apartment party results - showing 61 - 65  
« 1 ... 9 10 11 12 13 14 » 

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