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Holiday Events

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67 apartment party results - showing 66 - 67  
« 1 ... 9 10 11 12 13 14 » 
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Vicci Gowen
Written by Vicci Gowen  On  December 01, 2010   3876   1
Each year we put tree up in clubhouse and hold a "Decorate the Resident" tree event. Residents bring special ornament pertaining to themselves i.e librarian would have "book" ornament, etc. We serve eggnog and snacks and it starts our month of Christmas activities
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Carla Sgroi
Written by Carla Sgroi  On  December 01, 2010   3860   0
Have a local photographer set up a backdrop and take professional pictures of your residents. You can pay the photographer if you have the budget for it or you can have the photographer post the images online so the residents can chose to buy them or not. Great to do right before the holidays so residents can have a photo to send with the holiday cards!
67 apartment party results - showing 66 - 67  
« 1 ... 9 10 11 12 13 14 » 

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