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Holiday Events

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67 apartment party results - showing 11 - 15  
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Resident Events
Written by Resident Events  On  December 18, 2017   4466   0
Two Winter Birds Story-time and Craft
This winter, gather all your youngest residents together for a winter-themed story-time and craft! Book - No Two Alike The children’s book No Two Alike, by Keith Baker, follows two birds as they explore the winter landscape around them. Written in rhyming verse, and accompanied by gorgeous illustrations, this book shares the message that everyone and everything is special and unique. You can buy a copy online or borrow a copy of the book from your nearest public library. Matching crafts There are plenty of possible crafts to go along with this heartwarming book. Here are two ideas: Birdseed treats Image source: Kids Chaos Materials ...
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Resident Events
Written by Resident Events  On  November 27, 2017   6157   0
80s-Themed New Year's Eve Party
New Year's is a major party time, and nothing is more fun than attending a colorful New Year's party! Offer a party on your property for those who want to have fun and indulge in a party, without worrying about having to drive home or get back to their home late after the party wraps up. This is perfect for those who want to be close to home, parents with children, and those who actually have to work early the next day, but still want to participate in the festivities. For a truly authentic experience, have resident’s dress the part. To encourage residents to go all out with their outfits and costumes, be sure to advertise and offer fun 80s themed prizes. Give away things like Rubik’s cubes, Lisa Frank stickers, 80’s themed buttons, 80’s...
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Resident Events
Written by Resident Events  On  November 17, 2017   3564   0
Casino Royale Christmas Party
Shine up your diamonds, zip into a black dress, and grab that tuxedo out of the back of your closet! For this event, your guests must arrive dressed to the nines in sleek and elegant style! The Casino-themed Christmas party experience is one to remember! High-class glitz and glamour makes for a fantastic night of entertainment Image source: Pixabay Transform your community venue into a sparkling 007 world of guns, girls, gambling, and more. For decoration tips, check out Pinterest boards for theme ideas in your budget. Arrival/Reception Songs from all the Bond movies can play in the background as guests arrive at your James Bond Casino Royale-themed Christmas party. Have guests arrive through a welcoming red carpet and past “Russian” security...
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Resident Events
Written by Resident Events  On  November 10, 2017   3085   0
Annual Secret Santa
Christmas is a special time for us to come together and celebrate. The annual traditions we keep as families help hold us together throughout the year Unfortunately, due to hardship and struggles like losing a job or an unexpected illness, sometimes families can’t provide a fun and memorable Christmas to their children in the form of needed gifts and holiday cheer. That's where your community Secret Santa event can help! It ensures that no child who believes in Santa will be missed because the family has fallen on hard times. Collecting The main aim of your gift collecting efforts should include stockpiling a variety of age-appropriate and unisex gifts throughout the year. This takes the pressure off having to come up with them all at once! Here are...
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Resident Events
Written by Resident Events  On  November 02, 2017   11855   0
Ugly Sweater Contest
As the weather chills down and the sweaters come out, there are bound to be a few sweaters we all pull out of storage, look at, and say, “What on earth was I thinking!?” An ugly sweater contest in your community is a fantastic way to show off the worst of the bunch. It’s also good for a holiday stress-busting laugh as long as no one's feelings get hurt! via GIPHY Ugly Sweater Day is officially on Dec. 19. So what better way to celebrate this funny day than with a clever event and contest at your community? Setting up the event All you need to do is inform residents of the contest and make up some great prizes! ...
67 apartment party results - showing 11 - 15  
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