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Holiday Events

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67 apartment party results - showing 16 - 20  
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Resident Events
Written by Resident Events  On  October 19, 2017   3313   0
Holiday Card Making Day
Get a head start on holiday cards with this fun DIY workshop! There are some things that just put you in the holiday spirit. The smell of cinnamon and spice, getting the lights and Christmas tree up, and receiving your first holiday-card update in the mail! This year, residents can handcraft cards for their closest family and friends! Add an extra special personal touch to spread the holiday cheer. Getting started While you may find that the residents most likely to show up are those who already love crafting and know all the tricks, make space for newbies! Encourage residents to bring...
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Resident Events
Written by Resident Events  On  February 23, 2017   4717   0
Mardi Gras Morning Gate Connect
When it comes to resident retention and signing new leases, nothing works better than subtle reminders to residents already living in your community. The goal of many community events should be to get your current residents talking. For both property managers and renters, people have to come first. It’s important to keep this in mind as you plan your events. To keep things light, and provide a quick and easy opportunity to connect with residents, plan a Mardi Gras Morning Gate Connect event. For those communities not living in Louisiana, there may be some misconceptions about Mardi Gras celebrations stemming from often skewed and biased coverage in the media. Thankfully, it’s not as rowdy or X-rated an event as some journalists may make it seem. Contrary to popular belief outside the region, Mardi Gras is actually a family friendly event...
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Resident Events
Written by Resident Events  On  December 23, 2016   4200   0
New Years’ Resolution Gym Training
For many, the New Year brings excitement and enthusiasm for big life changes and healthier habits. Many start reflecting on the year that’s passed and make plans and promises for the months ahead. These resolutions can include educational, professional, or health related goals. January is the best time to capitalize on this enthusiasm by hosting a New Years’ Resolution Gym Training for your residents. Getting organized Many communities have a gym on-site, but not all residents use it. Some may feel intimidated by the machines and weights. Even with posted equipment usage and safety diagrams, not all residents may understand how to properly use the equipment. Use this beginning of the year enthusiasm for training residents. Organize an event to help residents understand how to get the most out of their workout from your community’s gym. ...
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Resident Events
Written by Resident Events  On  December 16, 2016   3845   0
“Green” Christmas Gift Wrapping Party
With more people mindful of the waste they’re putting out into the world, and interested in recycling, this holiday season is a great time to offer an eco-wrapping party for your resident community. This event will cover everything from recycled papers to fabric bags, and handcrafted bows to name tags. It’s a great way to get rid of old catalogs and things hanging around the office while helping residents pretty up their gifts for the upcoming holiday season. Residents can be encouraged to bring gifts for wrapping (especially if the recipient is not attending the event) as well as create elements to take home and use later. Here are a few different gift-wrapping station ideas: Up-cycled and recycled papers Encourage residents to start saving their newspapers and Sunday comics now – if they get...
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Resident Events
Written by Resident Events  On  December 09, 2016   5775   0
Sensational Snowman Building Contest
By January – snow is in the air! It’s also on the ground. This makes it the perfect time for communities with snow to gather residents and hold their very own snowman building contest. For communities in the Northwest, Northeast and all cities in the central part of the country (to about the latitude of Omaha, Nebraska) it’s time to make use of that fluffy white stuff and get creative! This event can easily turn into a day-long activity where families are coming and going most of the day with minimal supervision. However, make sure that everyone knows the cut-off time for judging. This way, they can come to the event to craft their snowy creation before the final buzzer. Two to three hours are usually needed to craft the more elaborate designs. Planning and prep ...
67 apartment party results - showing 16 - 20  
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