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Thanksgiving Events

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29 apartment party results - showing 21 - 25  
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Written by ramona allen  On  November 09, 2011   3289   1
We have community business that donate Turkey's ,churches and community residents bring the sides. We have muiltple properties so some of the local churches provide transportation to outreach center that don't have transportation which is located right across the street fron our main office. Different volunteers such as police Department , health Department, community figures and many others come out on Thanksgiving Day to serve our guest. We serve from 12pm til 3pm .This is a time for those without family or friends , homeless, hungry, to have a since of family.
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Milisa Crouch
Written by Milisa Crouch  On  November 09, 2011   3491   1
Thanksgiving Pot Luck Dinner
We are providing the ham and turkey along with wine and drinks. Residents are bringing sides and desserts. We already have sign ups for green bean casserole, sausage balls, banana pudding, cupcakes, dressing, broccoli casserole and more. We are turning our clubhous into a room full of festive tables with candle light and holiday decorations. It is going to be a great day of fellowship and fun with lots of yummy food too!!!
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Amanda Dellinger
Written by Amanda Dellinger  On  November 09, 2011   3520   1
When I started working at The Verge, a student property, I inherited this event. We provided a turkey "Thanksgiving" dinner for our residents. The admission to this event was 2 cans of food. Thus Turkey Can-Can. We donated the food to a local food bank in Chapel Hill. We purchased turkey, gravy and stuffing from K & W Cafeteria and made mashed potatoes and green beans ourselves. This resident event has been held every year at The Verge for at least 6 or 7 years! Residents and staff love it and we give back to the community!
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Penny Lamb
Written by Penny Lamb  On  November 09, 2011   3902   1
Several years ago when I was on-site we hosted a Thanksgiving Dinner at our property which was a high-end, largely 20/30 something demographic community. I have to admit, I didn't think it would go over that well...I was very wrong. It was packed and we received a tremendous amount of positive feedback. Because so many of our residents were young, business professionals and not from our city, many were not going to make it home for this family holiday. They were thrilled to be able to eat a feast in the comfortable company of friends. Our handful of senior residents also loved playing everyone's grandma. We hosted it the Thursday before Thanksgiving, cleared out our clubhouse, rented tables and chairs, provided the Turkey/dressing/gravy and table service. Residents brought a covered dish and for those who didn't cook, they brought the wine. So glad...
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Gretchen Basar
Written by Gretchen Basar  On  November 09, 2011   3338   1
Last night we hosted a Thanksgiving Potluck and Bingo night. We at the property provided the Turkey and Ham and desert and we asked that everyone that came brought a side dish. It was a huge success! Everyone loved what everyone else brought, recipes were exchanged as well! We also had a bingo night after dinner. We did our event early as people as busy or out of town right before Thanksgiving.
29 apartment party results - showing 21 - 25  
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