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Thanksgiving Events

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29 apartment party results - showing 26 - 29  
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Brenda Holmes
Written by Brenda Holmes  On  November 09, 2011   3631   1
We are a 50 unit elderly/disabled property. Since 1983 we have provided the Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy and rolls. Side dishes brought by the residents. Held at our community center. We deliver dinners to those who can't come to the community center. We always have enough for leftovers to go home with the residents. Even though we could supply the entire meal, the tenants like to bring side dishes that mean something to them like "grandma's pumpkin pie" Many times recipes are exchanged. Tenants decorate the community center and light the fire place.....
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Kami Shore
Written by Kami Shore  On  November 09, 2011   3548   1
Every year now for the past 5 years at The Wyndham Apartments in Lubbock, TX. we have had a Thanksgiving Potluck. It's always the Thursday before Thanksgiving. The community provides the turkey, ham, rolls, and drinks. The residents bring their favorite dishes to compliment the meal. We have so much fun. We usually have about a 15% resident show. We end up having the best Thanksgiving meal of the year that night. Everyone gets to meet new residents, make new friends and visit with the ones they already know.
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Michele Conner
Written by Michele Conner  On  December 01, 2010   4360   1
The Friday after Thanksgiving Greet residents at the gate early with a Black Friday Survival Kit to get them through their day of shopping. Hand out coffee, energy drinks/bars, band aids for blisters-whatever you can think of.  
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Written by Joyce Austin  On  December 01, 2010   3615   1
This is our Annual Resident Thanksgiving Potluck Event. We decorate nicely and provide all paper products etc. Another person and myself will be baking a large Turkey. I will also bring the gravy and some stuffing. We provided a ham for another very capable resident to prepare. The rest of the dinner is provided potluck style with each floor of the three story senior citizen building bringing different dishes i.e. the first floor is bring desserts, Second floor - breads and salads,third floor - other main dishes. So much food!! So very good!! We always have more than enough to eat and celebrate all that we have to be thankful for including each other. Everyone dresses up for the event as well.
29 apartment party results - showing 26 - 29  
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